Wednesday, April 21, 2010

17 days later...

Well I finally brewed another batch today. It was a kit beer from Its called Amarillo Pale Ale. It seems like its gonna be a hoppier beer, which I like. Now just two weeks until I brew the recipe I posted below but tweaked a bit I am thinking about turning it into a porter of sorts for my friend's 22nd birthday...Who knows i might change my mind between now and then. Not a long post today but thanks for reading anyway.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Next Brew

Since I decided on American Amber Ale its been tough trying to formulate something that I think will be really tasty but also fit the style. It took me a few days and a guy with some know how to help me out. I've decided to go as dark as I can with it still being an amber ale. I also designed it around having a toasty flavor with a lot of caramel notes. I am going to use a good amount of caramel malts to really hit that flavor profile I'm looking for. It will also contain a bit of roasted malt for extra toast and to balance with the sweeter specialty grains. As for hops I've decided not to go the traditional route and only use American hops with a citrusy profile. In stead I am using Czech Saaz, a Noble hop that you would find in pilsners and Sterling which shares some characteristics of Saaz. Both hops have a spicy, cinnamon-like flavor profile. As far as yeast goes I'm using a strain called Denny's Favorite. It is a Wyeast strain noted for bringing out caramel notes but still having good attenuation. This means the beer will have the flavor I want with out being cloyingly sweet. The recipe is this:

6lbs. Gold Liquid Malt Extract
8oz CaraMunich II
8oz Caramel Malt 80L
8oz Special Roast
2oz Special B Malt
2oz Roasted Barley

1.5oz Sterling (6%AA) pellet hops for 60 minutes
1oz Czech Saaz (3.1%AA) pellet hops for 5 minutes
.5oz Sterling (6%AA) pellet hops for 5 minutes

I think I will throw in some Irish Moss or Whirfloc tablets to make sure it clears properly. I will primary this for 2 weeks another 2 weeks in secondary and 3 weeks in bottle. Hopefully it will be as amazing as I am planning if not you live, you learn and such.

Well thanks for reading. Again any questions/comments/feedback you may inquire at